AB’s Honey is a family business operating near Brisbane, Queensland. They specialise in producing 100% real, pure Australian honey and bee products, and aim to provide the best quality natural Australian honey. They produce a variety of bee products, most notably their 100% pure, raw manuka honey.
AB’s incredible high standards of harvesting and handling combined with the natural quality of the raw product produce a premium manuka honey well loved worldwide. Their manuka honey is produced with a variety of strengths from 30+ to 900+ MGO, so they are sure to have something to suit your needs.
AB’s Honey operates from a custom designed facility that meets HACCP requirements, and is audited regularly by SGS Australian Certification Services Pty Ltd. AB’s Honey is also a member of the Australian Manuka Honey Association. These formal certifications legitimise AB’s commitment to quality in all areas of honey production.

Biosota is a family business established in 1999, specialising in producing the highest quality, 100% Australian made honey. Biosota’s business practices are focused on integrity and sustainability to ensure that their honey is environmentally friendly, all while aiming to satisfy their customers.
Biosota’s unique and superior manuka honey is raw, not undergoing any heat treatment process, to ensure that it retains the natural qualities of pure manuka honey. Biosota manuka honey ranges in strength from 30+ to 800+ MGO, so you are sure to find something that will suit your needs.
Biosota manuka honey is HACCP certified, ACO certified organic, non-GMO certified, non-pasteurized, BPA Free, and made in Australia from 100% Australian ingredients, so you can be confident that you are only purchasing the highest quality product.

Waradaa was founded by a family of beekeepers whose first hives started in 1918, having now grown to over 2000 hives.
Waradaa honey is cold processed to keep it pure and natural, preserving its exceptional health benefits and great taste. Waradaa manuka honey is 100% Australian owned and made, produced from the source, and not blended with any syrups or imported materials. Every batch of Waradaa honey is tested by an independent laboratory with ISO17025 accreditations. This includes testing for MGO, C4, AFB, DHA and HMF, to ensure only the highest quality manuka honey reaches the customer.
Waradaa manuka honey has HACCP and BQUAL certification and AMHA authorisation. Waradaa is one of the foundational brands for the Australian Manuka Honey Association, and is licenced to use the AMHA mark of authenticity on their individually tested products.